Achieve Success in 5 Deliberate Steps
They say actions speak louder than words, but there is also something to be said about deliberate action, driven by deliberate thoughts and words.
Don’t wait until the iron is hot to strike, instead, strike the iron to make it hot~unknown.
To be successful we need a sense of deliberation. Success is not about dumb luck or chance, although both of these can happen. Success can be broken down into a 5-step procedure.
1) Success begins with a thought that we wrap our heart around and partner with. Dreaming is the first step to success, but we must be deliberate in our dreaming. It is imperative when we have the thought that we don’t shoot down our thinking immediately.
The mind is wired for sense making. If something has not been done, it is natural for the mind to immediately fire back with a thought, “but that hasn’t been done. It’s impossible.” The key is for you to just accept the thought and then say, “why not me?” Wrap your heart around your thought and make it a dream by…
2) Deciding to accept the challenge. Our wild and crazy thoughts are just that. They are wild stallions running through our minds. You can capture and tame or you can learn to run with it and experience the exhilaration of freedom of thought through dream manifestation.
When you decide to do something, it is a deliberate act. You take action. You strike to make the iron hot rather than waiting around for dumb luck, chance, or the classic excuse, “if it’s meant to be, things will fall into place.”
Excuses are a time thief. Have a goal, accept responsibility, and take action.
3) Taking action will breathe life into your dream. When we decide to put forth action so that we can achieve, we make a deliberate effort toward success. You can only fail if you do not try or if you give up. Well done is better than well said.
Develop your dream through a series of actions and steps that you believe will get you closer to achieving your dream.
Take action to see reward. Do nothing and be ignored.
The action step supports steps 1 and 2 wherein you develop what you will be doing, including how you will communicate to others and yourself your dream. This includes telling others what you intend to do and deciding to not let any negative thinking from others influence your dream. What’s cool about negative opinions is that someone might introduce a potential challenge that you may not have thought about and you can use this step to develop a work around- thank you negative person for helping my dream development process!
4) Of course action means that you must be persistent in your implementation, which is step 4. We can develop and conceptualize all we want but until we actually implement and become persistent in our implementation, nothing happens.
Authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen were rejected more than 150 times by publishers and spent more than 18 months taking action, selling books out of the back of a car until Chicken Soup for the Soul became a hit. Most people would have given up. Which leads me to step 5…
5) Never give up! You might need to make major revisions to your original plan; learning and growing until you finally achieve your dream, but never give up. Initially, you may not have known or understood many aspects that fit into the puzzle, but as you gain that additional knowledge, integrate it. Again, this is a deliberate action- choosing to continue learning, tweaking, until finally IT HAPPENS!
You deserve success. The key is to not rely on luck or happenstance but instead to be deliberate about being successful. Success doesn’t come to you, you need to deliberately seek it out and deliberately take steps to get there.
This week, practice being deliberate in everything you do, no matter how small a thought. Use this 5-step framework, if even to clean your desk at work or get the laundry done. Believe me, you will see results! Now have a deliberately awesome week!
Dr. Jolene Church is a best-selling author, success coach, and human resources professional. Her work helps people turn impossible into possible. You can learn more about Jolene’s books and work at