The Dawn of the Dread: My Amusing Misadventures with My Peloton Treadmill at 4 AM and How It Can Inspire You to Break Barriers

Dr. Jolene Church, SCP, ICF-MCC
4 min readMay 9, 2023


Every morning, as the universe’s celestial bodies continue to twinkle and dominate the cosmic stage, my alarm clock unceremoniously bursts into a riotous rhapsody of bleats, blares, and bleeps. It’s the abominable hour of 4:00 a.m., a time when all sentient beings with an ounce of prudence are still safely ensconced in the realm of dreams. All beings, of course, except for this seemingly masochistic human and perhaps a smattering of insomniac owls.

You might find yourself contemplating, why on earth am I willingly partaking in such a preposterous routine? Well, I have a tryst to honor, a peculiar rendezvous with my Peloton treadmill, my very own digital tormentor. This meeting with destiny is a melodrama, a veritable opera of sweat, tears, the occasional expletive, and let’s not forget, a hearty dose of self-motivation.

Every dawn, my alarm clock’s intrusion sparks what can only be described as an acute existential crisis. It’s a moment when my bitterness towards the diabolical apparatus that is my Peloton merges with an aversion for the inexorable march of time itself. But this isn’t a tale of surrender; rather, it’s a testament to human resilience.

Despite my fervent internal protests and the inviting lull of my warm, cozy bed, I manage to disentangle myself from its plush clutches. I trudge across the room, my movements reminiscent of an undead extra gearing up for a scene in a low-budget horror flick. And then, with a sigh of resignation and a spark of determination, I slip into my yoga pants and step onto the treadmill deck. It’s an act of devotion, a performance of grit. Mostly performance, though, if we’re being honest. But who has time for pedantry at 4:00 a.m.?

Each thunderous footfall on the treadmill is a defiant proclamation of my revolt against the monotony of the status quo. It’s a salute to discomfort, a tribute to transformation, and a shout-out to every underdog who has dared to dream. As my heart rate spikes and rivulets of sweat etch their salty paths down my face, I find myself in the throes of a paradoxical love affair with my Peloton at this unsanctioned hour. And the views aren’t half bad.

This daily ritual is undoubtedly discomforting, but therein lies its charm. It’s liberating, cathartic even. It’s a reminder that the road less traveled often leads to the most enriching rewards. In this scenario, the payoff comes in the form of a delightful sense of accomplishment and an endorphin-induced euphoria.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: the fleeting moment when I contemplate resetting my alarm for a more civilized hour, thus forgoing the daily ordeal. But I never do. And why is that? It’s because that daily ordeal, as grueling as it may be, is my personal victory against complacency. It’s my way of proving to myself that I am more resilient than I give myself credit for. The sense of pride and relief that washes over me as I cool down and step off the treadmill is proof that I’ve kept a promise to myself.

Every day begins with a conquest — a digital mountain scaled, a personal record broken, or a minute longer on the treadmill. The rest of the day, by comparison, is just life’s attempt to keep up with the pace I’ve already set. It’s a powerful reminder that the greatest battles we fight are often within ourselves and our perceived limits.

And here’s the most beautiful part of this absurd, grueling, and exhilarating ritual: it’s not exclusive to me or to the Peloton enthusiasts of the world. It’s a testament to the human spirit, to our inherent capacity to push past boundaries, break barriers, and redefine the impossible. Whether it’s waking up at an ungodly hour for a workout, pursuing a passion project after a full day’s work, or working towards a long-term goal that seems light years away, we all have our personal treadmills. We all have our own 4:00 a.m.

So, as you read this, I encourage you to find your own Peloton, your own symbol of daily discomfort and personal growth. Embrace the challenge, the dread, the discomfort, and the reward. Remember, it’s in the struggle that we truly discover our strength. It’s in the discomfort that we find growth. And it’s in the daily commitment to ourselves that we cultivate resilience.

As you step onto the treadmill deck of your own challenges, remember that each footfall is not just a testament to your personal battle against the ordinary but also a step towards extraordinary personal growth. It’s an ode to transformation, to the power of breaking away from the status quo and embracing the potential of the unknown.

Every morning, as I silence my alarm and honor my commitment to myself, I am reminded of how far I’ve come and how much further I can go. And as the day unfolds, with every challenge it brings, I am ready. Because I’ve already conquered a mountain at the crack of dawn. And that, my friends, is the power of stepping onto your own Peloton at 4:00 a.m. It’s a lesson in resilience, a lesson in breaking barriers, and most importantly, a lesson in embracing the beautiful struggle that is personal growth.

Remember, the path less trodden often leads to the most rewarding destination. So, find your 4:00 a.m., embrace your discomfort, and watch as you transcend the boundaries of what you thought you could do. This is more than just a tale about an unholy hour with a Peloton; it’s a story of resilience, determination, and the power of self-belief.



Dr. Jolene Church, SCP, ICF-MCC
Dr. Jolene Church, SCP, ICF-MCC

Written by Dr. Jolene Church, SCP, ICF-MCC

Executive coach and workforce optimization consultant. Member of the Forbes Coaches Council. Best-selling author and speaker.

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