The Missing Link to Success

Dr. Jolene Church, SCP, ICF-MCC
3 min readOct 4, 2021


by Dr. Jolene Church

photo credit: Shutterstock

I was listening to a podcast interview the other day and the topic was how to stand out from the crowd and set yourself apart with the product or service that you are delivering. Who wouldn’t want to do that? The person being interviewed was discussing the personal success factors that he had gleaned as a solopreneur, life coach and public speaker from studying the work habits of motivational speaker and business philanthropist, Tony Robbins and other business moguls.

What’s a solopreneur, you ask? And what’s the difference between a solopreneur and an entrepreneur? An entrepreneur is a risk-taker who develops a business from an innovative idea, overcoming business challenges while enlisting the knowledge, skills, and expertise of business partners and employees. A solopreneur is an individual who sets up and runs a business by themselves without the assistance of traditional employees. Freelancers, consultants, public speakers, and content creators are all examples of solopreneurs.

What was so interesting about the interview was that the suggestions for how to stand out, although very good, failed to include to most critical element for success in any realm, authenticity.

You see, we can be consistent, be laser focused, say no to 99% of what’s coming our way, and be self-aware of what we are really good at, but if we fail to remain authentic through this process, we stand to diminish our desired results.

As the interview went on, it became more and more apparent, that in trying to replicate the footsteps of giants, to himself become a giant, the interviewee had not identified that which cannot be replicated — authenticity.

The most critical success factor, authenticity, is the secret sauce to differentiate our product or service, or ourselves from the rest. We must live our purpose, on purpose. As Simon Sinek, business strategist suggests, “It all starts with WHY?”

Why would a coach and a public speaker want to be like Tony Robbins? Why would you want to risk everything to pursue that great idea for a new business? Why do you want that client? Why do you want to take that career leap?

Let me give you a hint, more money, is not the answer.

In coaching many multi-millionaires, I can tell you that the common denominator that all of these millionaire clients had was that they had never truly defined what success was and therefore felt lost when they got to where they thought they were going. More was never enough. It was like they got in the car on the way to a destination and the destination kept moving.

Defining your purpose, what drives you, and what makes you want to get up every day is bigger than a paycheck. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with money, but fulfillment does not come from money alone. Fulfillment comes from being true to you, being the authentic you, and this comes from being true to what comes from your core.

In my book, Allowing Inspired Transformation: 6 Steps to Identifying Your Purpose for an Epic Effect, I provide a step-by-step guide to get incredibly clear on your why and your purpose so that you can live your best life — as your authentic self.

As individuals and as business leaders, when we have defined why we were put on this planet, we can change the world because we begin living our purpose, on purpose. Bringing it as the authentic you, is how to take studying the footsteps of giants to actually walking and living in them.

I encourage you to define your purpose. What is at the core of your being and your true essence? If you could fit it on a bumper sticker? What would it say?

Mine is: To inspire passion, confidence and authenticity.

If you need some help in defining yours, visit my website, or check out my book, Allowing Inspired Transformation.

Dr. Jolene Church is a best-selling author, success coach, business strategist, and human resources professional. Her work has helped transform underperforming Wall Street portfolios and people’s lives around the world. Visit for more information.



Dr. Jolene Church, SCP, ICF-MCC
Dr. Jolene Church, SCP, ICF-MCC

Written by Dr. Jolene Church, SCP, ICF-MCC

Executive coach and workforce optimization consultant. Member of the Forbes Coaches Council. Best-selling author and speaker.

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